"Don't be a big bag of stupid!" - Mark McClain. "Men" - Tom Vilardi. "Who's head am I stepping
on?" - Nate Corwin. "Cheese is proof that England loves us and wants us to be happy." The Captain.

The UK Company
The re-created 22nd is now international! In a very short time they have grown to a respectable size and have represented the
Regiment at several living history events throughout England. Check out Cpl. Ed Wilson and the rest of our brothers in the UK Company at:
22nd Foot UK Company
Founding Member Don Hagist is a Red Coated
Follow Don on his blog and read his
insights into the common British soldier of the American Revolution. Each post
tries to paint as complete a picture of an individual soldier as is possible using courts martial transcripts, deserter ads,
orderly books, muster rolls and pension applications.
The little personal stories are often humorous or poignant. Many times
Don uses these stories to challenge some of the less flattering stereotypes of the men we portray. Here's the Link:
British Soldiers, American Revolution
The King's water is blue.
