Battle of Bound Brook April 13th
Click the thumbnails for a full size version.

Would you invite these guys to dinner? Photo by the Cabral family. |
Let us now commence with the 2002 AARs.
The Battle of Bound Brook turned out to be much more fun than anticipated, in spite of the
modern setting. It helped to keep in the back of our minds that we were fighting on the actual battleground.
Some of which was still visible. We mustered at the Statts House, a nice period house with a collection of artifacts.
Next we marched down a residential street and across a metal bridge to where there was a "brief" ceremony for the
fallen on both sides. This ceremony took place on the portion of the stone causeway that Ewald was pinned down on.
It still exists in between the Amtrak line and a feed store.
From the causeway we fought up modern city streets to the middle of town where we fixed bayonets and drove the
Rebels past the intersection that marked the boundary of the tactical. A really nice pork lunch was served by a bunch of nice
Amish fellows in the municipal parking lot. The public turnout, so far, was excellent and the public interest made up for
the questionable surroundings.
It was at this time that some of the sharper eyed men in the Regiment noticed that we were within striking distance
of one of the more high class establishments in downtown Bound Brook called Torpedoes. A heavily armed squad of picked men,
led by their intrepid Captain Vilardi, made a lightning raid on this establishment. Plunder is not a word we like to use in
the British Army, all goods and services were paid for in hard money. Or failing that, gold buttons off of the Captains regimental.
A strange occurrence also took place in Torpedoes when a detachment of the infamous Helms Company of the 2nd New
Jersey Regiment snuck in by a back door. Fortunately, the feelings of brotherhood and comradeship were so high by that time
that the two adversaries forgot their differences and sat side by side, similar to the Christmas truces we hear so much about.
It was also here that two new Regimental artifacts were christened and firmly enshrined in the halls of Regimental lore. These
being the Captains walking stick and Private Brucias whig. Here is the full story: \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\HIGHLY SENSITIVE MATERIAL CENSORED BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT NOT TO BE VIEWED IN THE PRO UNTIL JUNE 1 2052/////////////////////////.
So, now when you hear the cries of "The Cane! The Cane!" or "The Whig! The Whig!" you will regard these artifacts and their
bearers with the honor they are due.

Photo by the Cabral family |
Properly fortified and flush with excitement, we boarded the yellow busses for the ride to the next phase of the
event. This was the surprise and capture of the American HQ and battery at the Van Horn house. (This episode historically
took place before the battle in Bound Brook town but I guess the event sponsors had some logistical problem with the timeline.)
The Van Horn house is the original 18c dwelling where General Lincoln had to make a hasty and undignified escape in his nightclothes
after being caught napping. The building is in a quaint setting nestled between the new Target store and the Somerset Patriots
baseball stadium. The cool part was that the concession stands at the ballpark were open for business so we went over and
shared a pretzel and drinks in plastic cups. After about an hour we formed up with the Germans for our surprise attack. We
looked very impressive as we marched in line of battle across the stadium parking lot. The Rebels had two guns in their battery
and they each fired a shot at us. (Again, a little less than accurate. In the original attack the guns didnt get a shot off,
but hey, the crowd loved it and if I was an artillery dude and lugged my gun all the way to Bound Brook, NJ and didnt get
to burn some powder then I might be just a little cheesed off.) Luckily they missed and we charged bayonets then ran up a
hill and took the battery. After that we lowered the American flag and raised the Union Jack. The crowd wasnt too pleased
with this, post 9/11 and all, but hey, we earned it. We then hung out for another hour or so and ate more free food and drank
more free soda and mingled with the Public, of which there were "thousands". (Its true, I read it in the newspaper.)
The charge to take the Rebel guns from the Sunday Star Ledger |
Captain Vilardi teaches the Hessians a new dance step from the Sunday Currier |
Back on the busses for phase three of the battle of Bound Brook where the Americans push us Imperialists out of
town. Another "feel good" scenario. We fell back in good order, street firing by retiring. If it wouldn't get me in trouble
with the Rebels I would say that our rate of fire and rate of withdrawal was greater than our enemys, so I won't. We
did burn up all our powder though and finished up back at the Statts house. Finally, in the words of Private Gump, "We had
free food, again, and we had free soda, again. All in all this was a great one-day event. Here is what my
friend Private Torkos had to say in an earlier 18th Century type after action report:
You missed a great time in New Jersey! We bayonet charged the doodles down Main Street forcing them to route!!!!
We were fed breakfast, lunch and dinner. Plus the local women of the peasantry showed us their hospitality and some unusual
local customs!!!
I am looking forward to the Corporal Lackluster report on this one!!! (We will never see the good Captain's
cane as it will be retired to the Regimental Museum after the good service it gave in Bound Brook!!!)
Humbly presented,
Private Parts"

Photo by the Cabral family. |
Click here to see more Bound Brock pictures.
The Battle of Sag Harbor
OK, it would get me in trouble with my friends in the 3rd NY Regiment to say that they bamboozeled
us into this event by voting for it on the 22nd Regiment calendar and then falling out as 3rd NY,
so I'll go on record as not having said that. (Actually a couple of the dual members donned the madder and filled
out our near transparent ranks. Thanks men.) It is pretty tuff to be mad at someone who has convinced you to go
to Sag Harbor. This was the first event in which the dashing Ensign Archibald Lackluster commanded a detachment of the 22nd.

The event got off to a bad start when a Nor Easter blew in on Friday night and didn't let up until around 3:00
PM on Saturday. This was especially trying on the new Ensign as he had his wife and two children with him, (Hey, we all know
this is a FAMILY ORIENTED HOBBY), in a marquee whos dubious ability to shed water was totally defeated around 1:00 AM.
Being resourceful, he rigged a slightly out of period blue nylon tarp inside the marquee to keep he, the wife, and most
of his borrowed kit dry. The kids slept through the whole thing having already found the only two dry spots in the place.
One has to admit that Sag Harbor aint such a bad place to be rained out in.
So by about 3:00 we were dried out, more or less, and in uniform and coming up with a plan to salvage Saturday
as much as possible. Boys, you had to see Chris Stress a.k.a. Eighteenth Century Man, work on this event.
He was over here talking with the Mayor, over there coordinating with the reenactors then on the other side of town babysitting
a film crew. Props out to Chris!
We decided to march into town and "search for deserters or Rebels". I can attest to the fact that there
weren't any Rebels in any of the taverns we went into. The 4th Batt. NJV, under Sergeant Braisted, found
a cigar bar and searched it for over half an hour! While we searched, the music, under Fife Major Vorwald,
entertained the locals with some rousing airs. We were about to form up and march back to camp when we were invited in to
the bar of the American Hotel for a round or two of drinks. Actually, it was a two-hour open bar. Yep, duty
in Sag Harbor was sweet. A couple of funny things occurred while we were at the American: First, there was a meeting of the
local GOP, which we entertained. Second, Privates Stress, McClane and Cpl. Corwin, all materialized in their madder regimentals
in time to partake of the open bar. Those boys can smell a free beer at over five hundred yards! That was about it for
Saturday. We marched back to camp, (on the front lawn of the original Customs House, by the way), then went into town for
dinner. Did I mention that Sag Harbor has nice restaurants? It was around this time that Chris and Nate reenacted the
maiden voyage of the C.S.S. Hunley using a replica 18th Century whaleboat sans life preservers and drain plug.
This, however, is an adventure of the naval wing of the 3rd New York, so I won't mention it here.
We used Saturday's schedule for Sunday. The scenario was to mirror the original raid as closely as possible. The
Continental troops were to make an amphibious landing but that portion was cancelled due to the weather, so they used a bus
instead. The next part of the action had a hapless crossroads outpost, portrayed by the 22nd, surprised and
captured without loss. The men performed this duty, then we piled back in Ben's van and headed back to town. The Americans
marched on. The attack on the town came in two prongs, hitting two Crown strong points simultaneously. The 22nd
was detached with some red coated Delancys and the NJV at the Old Burying Ground. (A very old cemetery with some rev war casualties
buried there.) The mixed bag of Rangers was posted at the customs house a couple of blocks away. The attacks were admirably
timed and both wings engaged in a hot skirmish, falling back to the center of town where the two wings met and continued fighting
and fighting on and on and on until the town got their hours worth. Finally the Rebels pushed us all the way down to the end
of the pier where we were forced to surrender. Sag Harbor looses some of its luster here. We clubbed our muskets and marched
back to the cemetery for a nice ceremony honoring the Loyalists buried up there in a mass grave. Ensign Lackluster would like
to thank Todd Braisted and David Mutter for their great support as NCOs. It must be pointed out that he had a great core of
pros to work with that didn't even blink (much) at turning on the march so that they could fit through some tight spots on
the march back to the Customs House and the entrance to the cemetery. Then hidy ho its time to go. A shame really as the sun
was out and, well, it was Sag Harbor.
Oh, Yea, I forgot the tall ships. Friday night before the gale blew in the Providence, a topmast schooner of about
12 guns rounded the mouth of the harbor, fired a gun and docked at the pier. She was supposed to fly British Colours but I
never saw that. She was also supposed to bombard the town, as it became clear that the Rebels had won, but I didnt see this
either. (This after mooching powder from the 3rd NY.) What I did see was the Providence standing off the pier flying
the skull and crossbones as we were surrendering. I think you could get a ride on her for $75.00 or so but dont quote me.
There was also another smaller schooner there called the Mary Rose I think. She was supposed to be burnt but the smoke generator
didnt make it for Sundays show. The Brit Colours on this ship showed a remarkable reluctance to be taken down.
As usual the hospitality from our Long Island brethren left nothing to be desired. Imagine the welcoming committee
headed by Ben Foster at the registration tent (its always good to see a familiar face after a long ride) and Mark "Cookie"
McClain, who I found strolling around town with a tumbler of something that looked like iced chocolate milk. I asked Mark
if they didnt have open container rules in Sag Harbor and he just smiled and told me not to worry about any trouble with the
police for the weekend as his cousin is the Chief. Did I mention that Sag Harbor was a great event?
You will be happy to note that Ensign Lackluster and his men were quickly exchanged for an equal weight of turnips
and a slightly worn copy of "Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure".

Chris Stress checks in:
Harry ,
You missed nothing , however the Providence did in fact fly the Kings colors both days . I raised them myself
!! They held their bombardment of the Village for a half hour and stopped as we appeared on the wharf . They weren't suppose
to strike their colors though until we left the pier , they did so pre-maturely . The original British vessel was never captured
Oh , and that was McClain M. at the bar (of course) . Suppose I didn't have to clarify that eh ?
Three Huzza's to you my friend - well written .
-18th Century Man
To see and read more on the Sag Harbor event click here.
Seeing as this is my third AAR in two days I might be going a
little off.
The Battle of Short Hills (Short Hairs)
Listen my friends and you shall hear
How the Rebels did vex us in front and in rear
We were leaving the Jerseys good riddance I say
Were sailing on ships for Chesapeake Bay
To Head of Elk from Perth Amboy we steer
Well eat English beef and drink English beer
But before we can leave well make one last stand
And teach quite the lesson to this impudent band
The weather was hot at least ninety that day
Good thing were not in Williamsburg I say
But we rested a while under trees in the shade
Near a school and a field where soccer is played
Many comrades where there from near and from far
They came in their van they came in their car
From The Island there came such a wonderful crew
Two Bens, Nate and Bill but wheres Mark and wheres Drew?
Gary the Fifemajor from the Island came too
God Save The King on his Fife he b blew
And with his two Drummers young Bobby and Scott
The 22nd's music was the envy of the lott
Harry, John and Andy filled out the ranks
With Sergeant Krentler who's fond of his tanks
And Captain Vilardi with his new parasol
With his quite special cane he's the envy of

Then assembly was played with the drum and the fife
Com on my brave fellows tis a play soldiers life
Fall into your ranks and dont hesitate
Tis the old soldiers fate to hurry and wait
To the flag we did march to listen to speeches
Politicians they rambled those sons of a beeches
We stood in the sun, the heat and humidity
No wonder the wife laughs and calls this stupidity
After the speeches back we did march
To our old familiar place in the shade of a larch
And what should we see that filled our hearts full of cheer
Liz Naratil was there with cheese, meat, bread, and beer!
We ate and we laughed we drank some good porter
We talked to the tourists and a surly reporter
Some took naps in the shade or the sun
Then the Sergeant he told us to pick up our guns

We crept through the woods as quiet as could be
The Rebels did too, pretend you dont see
We formed up for battle down a hot weedy road
The Captain gave the order to prime and to load
You ask what Regiment was the center of our force
The steadfast veterans of the 22nd of course
On the left Peters Corps, the NJV on the right
It must be pointed out that in the shade they would fight
It wasnt very long that we fell in with our foe
We presented and fired they answered our blow
The weeds and prickers did tangle and trip
The sweat from my brow and my nose it did drip
I have to admit though it is a sham battle
With the fife and the drums and the musketry's rattle
My face splits in a grin and my heart gives a skip
I look over to John "Man ain't this a trip!"
We pushed them and pushed them our brave Rebel foe
But the more we did push them the slower they'd go
"This will not do," the Captain did say
Weve another half of the scenario to play today
A flanking maneuver was the gist of the plan
So over to the men the Sergeant he ran
He pointed and pointed oh please God not me
Welcome my boys to Krentler's light infantry
Through the tall grass we ran to the left of the fight
Rebels they took no notice we were out of their sight
Our main force came up and blocked the weedy road
Krentler moved us foreword he's in 18th Century Mode
The hammer did swing and the anvil was there
And the Third New Jersey Regiment was caught like a hare
Oh they did cry and oh they did grumble
But thats what you get when you cant move on the double
With muskets clubbed they were forced to yield
Then off to join their comrades on the big soccer field
For only half of the scenario was over that day
We reformed our ranks and continued to play
The crowed on the sidelines now came into view
How disappointing they're only but few
Thats ok cause here's a sideshow
Peters Corps is chasing two farbs down the hedgerow
Out in the field theres a gun on our right
We charged it and took it with the 40th Lights
Then we went forward and took another gun
Pretty soon it looked like the Rebels would run
We charged bayonets and forward did charge
I jumped over a rifleman who was really quite large
The battle was over and we all were quite merry
There is something that's special in bayonet imaginary
We reformed again and marched in a review
Then back to the trees and the shade and cold brew
They fed us chicken from aluminum trays
If I were a lady I'd have to loosen my stays
The main point of this excursion it turned out I'll admit
Was seeing my comrades they're the best that's no shit
Im not going to cry or make a big fuss
But you have to admit that there's none quite like us
We said our good-byes and got into our car
And bid fond adieu to the brave BAR
And gave quiet thanks we lost no one that day
Except those who got lost on the New Jersey Parkway

Dog |

Pony |
225th Anniversary of the Battles of Saratoga

The happy few who survived the unsupported bayonet charge on Morgan's Riflemen at Freeman's Farm |

The BAR frowns on hand to hand combat or physical contact. Our Officer sets the example! |

Henry and Bill |

Harry and John |

Sergeant Krentler & Captain Vilardi |

The 22nd and the 55th make their final stand in the Bloody Ridge Redoubt. |

A tired 22nd Regiment leaves the field on Sunday. |