An intrepid band of us traveled down to King of Prussia, PA braving
the first official snowstorm of 2009 to attend. This year the events for 2009, 2010 and 2011 were able to be presented in
joint session for unit commanders for a Crown/Continental vote. This came off
very well and not only was the annual event for 2009 able to be agreed upon, but we were all able to receive a “heads
up” re. other regional events sponsored by both Crown and Continental Forces as well as hear some of the preliminary
plans for ‘10, ‘11 and beyond.
The recent past has seen at least two and as many as three British Brigade Events annually. Depending upon our schedules and circumstances we have generally been able to support
at least one and as many as two of these events annually. But that’s not
the way it always was…… When created, the British Brigade’s
sole purpose was to host just 1 BIG field event annually. You either went to
it - or didn’t - and then had to listen to everyone tel you what a good time you missed!
Other events might come close but there was always that one BIGGIE!
2009 sees us returning to these roots! For 2009 the
ONE official event for both the British Brigade and Continental Line will be May 15-16-17 at Jerusalem Mill, MD. We will, of course, have more information the closer we get to the event, but for now check out - Great looking site!

Sir. Charles Napier |
February 20th saw us meet at Finnagels Public House in Clinton NJ to celebrate Meeane Day. Special thanks goes out to Adj. Joswick for taking the lead
and making all arrangements, who in turn writes the following:
I would like to thank everyone for making the latest Meeanee Day Dinner the most
successful one to date. We had a lucky thirteen attendees starting with drinks around 6:00 PM, dinner and then more drinks
finally heading for home around midnight. There was plenty of mirth, singing, mirthful singing and video commentary. Most
of all we strengthened our bonds of comradeship while helping keep alive one of our Regiment’s longstanding traditions.
To the Regiment and Sir Charles Napier!
Adj. Harry
Occupation of Taylorsville – AKA Washington’s Crossing:
Click on images to see a larger view.

Happy Soldiers at Washington's Crossing |
We started off again this year again at Washington’s Crossing in PA. Marching and Drilling, Marching and Drilling, Marching and Drilling…. two things that every soldier
loves - apparent by the photo reproduced below. Of course we did take time out
to do laundry, sweep out the necessary and all the other things that really bring a smile to the faces of our gallant men. Use of the old Ferry House for gaming demos and all other buildings at the site did
really add to everyone’s interest
and enjoyment. And of course the fine Supper prepared by Eric Alsager back in
the Billet, and the camaraderie of our friends in the 4th NJV and 2nd NJ did eventually bring a smile
to everyone’s faces.
WC 2009 |


The Tavern |
Colonial Williamsburg
Under the Redcoat

Hello All First, I want to thank everyone who kept me
up to date via e-mail. We only lost two muskets and one distaff as we approached the event so our numbers were pretty stable
going into the event. Sergeant Krentler, Corporal Joswick, Privates Moncrief, Harlow, Joswick, Broadwell, and Guina were in
attendance along with Young William Krentler on the strength and drawing rations. We brigaded with the 55th that had eight
R&F plus Sergeant Baule. That gave us 14 men and two sergeants for the weekend.
We arrived sort of late on Friday, set
up a tent for Private Guina (now known as Private Keene) and rendezvoused at the King’s Arms Tavern for dinner around
7:30. Joining us were Matt Harlow and Rich Moncrief’s families so it was a true Cheshire family event. I’m pretty sure a good time
was had by all.
were all back in camp by eight the next morning for morning formation and roll call. We were to mount the first guard with
the 40th, and the 43rd. Saturday’s first guard had plenty of men so the relief went out fairly frequently. We caught
one of the deserters pretty quickly and collected a pretty substantial reward for our troubles, (or should I say, Sergeant
Krentler collected a reward). Private Roberts of the 55th tried to start a game of chance in the guard house but it got a
little out of control and the Officer of the guard took notice and demanded a cut of the winnings. As punishment for such
carelessness, Sergeant Baule had us all stand in the terrible hot sun and contemplate for awhile. After we were relieved we
took part in one of the “Revolutionary City”
scenarios where we were crowd control for a staff meeting and had to help the Royal Navy with a reluctant African American
recruit. Later we did some drill then took a break for lunch.

Sergeant Baule with his pointer. |
lunch we fell in for the musketry competition which we won handily with five shots in under one minute and no misfires. I
think there was another final formation then we broke up to get dinner then got back together at Chownings Tavern for some
evening fun. Rich brought a bowl and some rum and we set up our own little party near the rear of the garden. Some young lady
tourists took particular interest in our impression as we passed the bowl, sang songs and enjoyed the evening.
Unfortunately, Sunday came all too early
for Steve, William, Gavin and I when the fire alarm went off in our hotel at 6:30 AM. At least we were in camp on time. We
would have the last guard mount so after morning formation we had some spare time to march to the surgeon where we quickly
depleted his store of white mercury. We did a little more drilling, this time in street firing. We took a short break then
were off to Church Parade. This year it was held in front of the Capitol Building
so it was a nice stretch of the legs to get there and back. Amen! We had a nice long break for lunch then fell in and took
the last guard. We were a little light in manpower this time and we were posted three times.

The Guard |
me, interacting with the public is the best part of going to Williamsburg, and my short time on guard on Sunday might
have been my favorite. During this guard we also had plenty of interaction with the CW staff and I believe Sergeant Baule
even freed a slave! We marched from the guard to the final formation where we presented arms to His Lordship Cornwallis and
stayed at the Present for his entire speech. Finally we marched off and left the city for the nice seaside resort of Yorktown. Those of the 22nd and 55th remaining got back together at the Green Leaf Café for dinner and
some "hand pulled hoppy magic".

Sergeants Krentler and Baule discussing the "Stoppages" |

Pay Call |
Sergeant Krentler and I agree that it was
a very successful event for the 22nd. Our rooky contingent of Dave, Gavin and Patrick did extremely well at this challenging
event and our two veterans, Matt and Rich, returned to the ranks after a prolonged break with a promise that we will see more
of them in the future. Also, working with the 55th is always a pleasure. They are at the top of the game in what we do and
we should take advantage of every opportunity to work with them when they come east.
Jerusalem Mill, MD October 9-11
After once again battling rt. 95 traffic south Gavin and I arrived at the site with enough time to set up before dark
on Friday night. Sergeant Ray Helge of the NJV was there already so we had dinner
with him at our tents. John and his two boys arrived around 9:00 and we helped
him get set up and settled in. Saturday showed the rest of the lads arriving
including Sergeant Krentler and Captain Vilardi. In all we had nine muskets and
an officer on Saturday with Ray falling in with us. Most of Saturday morning
was dedicated to camp set up with a little rain early on. By the time of first
formation the rain had cleared and after taking the roll we went out to the field to practice open order tactics with the
43rd. Everything was taken right out of the new book “With Zeal
and With Bayonets Only”.
After lunch some of us went out to take part in the wood’s tactical that was supposed to start off the afternoon
public demo. After getting hung up for awhile in a thorn thicket we joined the
light infantry and skirmished for awhile until the Rebels drove us off. We waited
in the woods until the main Brit force caught up to us then deployed quickly into line and continued the battle until we were
either all out of ammo, dead or victorious. Some well directed grapeshot took
most of us out.
We had a great
meal on Saturday night then set up our small tavern. We had plenty of visitors
from both camps with singing and jollification in great abundance. I heard that
some of the skinny 40th Light Bobs who were drinking with us big boys paid the price for it the next morning. It was nice to see the Captain stay the evening with us.
Sunday had
us all stagger and groan out of our tents to the dinning fly for a leisurely morning.
The unscripted tactical was cancelled because of some mix up with the Maryland Parks people so we didn’t have
anything to do until the afternoon except catch up with old friends and tour the site.
The public battle played out much like Saturday’s battle except we seemed to be used as a fire brigade plugging
holes in the line all over the field. We certainly got our exercise in and there
weren’t too many rounds left per man at the end of the day. I would say
that this was the best event of the year.
Kearny House Tavern Night/Fort Lee
Each year the fame of our Friday Night Tavern at the Kearney House on Fort Lee weekend spreads a little further. I
counted over twenty living historians and easily twice that many of the public joining us for the evening. The biggest treat for us was a chance to meet the founder of the UK Company of the Re-created 22nd, Ed Wilson. Ed and his fiancée, Lyndsey, fit right in and spent the night with us, Ed going the distance to the wee
hours of the morning. Another treat for the men of the 22nd and the
public was the appearance of Don Hagist, the founder of the American Company.
Sometime in the bleary hours of the late morning Don, Ed, Gavin and I set off with Eric Nelson of the Palisades Parks Commission to follow in Cornwallace’s footsteps up the Palisades. We were accompanied by several members of the public including a Boy Scout troop. While we took a break before the actual ascent from the Hudson River Don gave an brief talk
to the public on the common British soldier, then up we went. At the top we parted
with the public and the Scouts who continued on to Fort Lee on foot while we got a ride back to the Kearney House to clean
up and pack up then drove back down to Fort Lee just in time to miss the parade. It was a beautiful autumn day so we stowed our gear in the officer’s hut and went out to sit on the
glacis of the fort by the 32 pounder and soaked up the sun while watching the river traffic below. When Tom and the rest of the parade returned we gathered up and had lunch.
After lunch it was time for the public battle. The scenario was to have
the Loyalist contingent attack the Rebels at the block house, meet fierce resistance, then be bailed out by the Regulars. After giving the Loyalists time to become fully engaged we moved out with one section
of Regulars attacking the Rebel position right down the road while the other half (the 22nd) maneuvered down then
back up the hill to attack the block house from the rear. Unfortunately for the
Loyalists this maneuver took a little longer than expected and by the time we had pushed the Rebels out of the blockhouse
the Loyalists had run out of ammo, been killed or captured. Well the more glory
for us then! The Rebels withdrew
and it was a great victory for the Crown Forces.
we gathered for something to eat and drink in the Officers hut. Andrew L. showed
us the survival skills he learned in ROTC by starting a fire with just flint and steel and tow. (and a little black powder, and a little more black powder and a little more black powder). I thought he was going to hyperventilate blowing life into the fire but he finally got it going just as
the sun set. Imagine our mirth when we found a bellows sitting on the mantle. Gavin and I had to leave but Ed, Andrew and Ray Helge of the NJV spent the night. From what I heard Sunday was another success dedicated to drill and public interpretation. It was another great weekend that is becoming a tradition for us.