The 22nd cracks another volley into the Rebels at The Battle Monmouth Courthouse 1998.

Sgt. Brian Paine of Her Majesty's 22nd (Cheshire) Regiment, Retired, representing the Trenmare Branch of the Cheshire Regiment
Association, presents Capt. Thomas Vilardi Esq. of His Majesty's 22nd Regiment of Foot in America (Recreated) with the Cheshire
Regiment Tercentenary Plate, in Franklin, NJ 1998.

Welcome to the Regiment lad. Just sign here and take this shilling and give your soul to the Sergeant. White Plains, 1996.

A good showing for The Battle of Bordentown, NJ 1997.

Hey Captain, look what I got. Can I Keep em? Schroon Lake 1996.

The Regiment always eats well. Barker's Farm 1996.

The 22nd ready to kick some butt after The Battle of The Plank. Boon's Homestead, 1999.

Leaving the field with honor at Monmouth 1998.

The Captain and Sergeant discuss either strategy or a light snack of cheese and wine with Colonel Braisted of the Loyalist
4th Battalion New Jersey Volunteer Regiment.

Captain Vilardi is every soldiers friend. Lexington and Concord, (Battle Road), 1997.