Dear Friends and Members,
Well for anyone who missed the "kickoff event" at McConkeys Ferry (AKA Washingtons Crossing, Penn.)
you missed a really good time. This was the first time in our 25+/- years of existence that we actually got to do what British
Soldiers usually did on the Continent and Colonies that is Billet in houses on the populace! Remember Amendment III of the
Bill of Rights? and if not.. look it up!
Our "digs" during the day were three fine stone houses one set up as a Guard Room and Office for
the Officer of the Day, the other a kitchen house, the third being our billet where we had run of an entire 18th/19th
C. House as a tavern and general "fun after-hours" place.
Special mention should be made of new recruits Andrew Doddington and Patrick Murphy who both turned
out with us to work on kits, share in the camaraderie and generally share some good cheer with us.
The park received over 500 visitors each day and were absolutely THRILLED to have us there. Thanks
to all who were able to come out and do this with us. It was an excellent Garrison/getting out the kinks weekend!